2010년 6월 30일 수요일

음악 단축키(RockMusic)

이 프로그램은 볼륨키로 음악을 컨트롤하게 합니다.

프로그램을 구동시키면 그냥 검정화면이 뜨며(배터리절약을위해), 그 상태에서 볼륨키는 다음과 같이 변경됩니다.

1. 짧게 두번: 볼륨업=이전 곡, 볼륨다운=다음 곡
2. 길게 두번: 볼륨업/볼륨다운 그대로.
3. 홈/뒤로/ 등의 버튼을 누르면 종료됩니다.
주의: 음악 프로그램이 실행되고 있어야 이전/다음 으로 이동합니다.

HTC Desire, Samsung Galaxy S, Motoroi 에서 테스트 되었습니다.

2010년 6월 21일 월요일



I published PurifyText v1.3 on the android market.
I'm very sorry about that there is no help message on the application currently.
So I should explain a little bit of my application here. I'll update this blog as possible as I can but it takes a time.

What is the PurifyText?

PurifyText aims a smart sms filtering for user to manage their sms as clear and thin. Furthermore, using powerful pattern matching and actions, user can do make their life easier.

The user stories.

* User can make a filter for sms by number and text pattern.
* User can specify an action which is fired performing if the filter's pattern matched with both incoming sms or text messages in Inbox.
* There are Sms blocking action and Gmail Sending actions.


The filter consists of "number group", "number pattern", "text body pattern", "action".

* Number group or Number pattern.
You can choose number group(all numbers or all unknown numbers) or enter directly number pattern to filter.

* Text body pattern.
You can write text body pattern to filter. the pattern uses regular expression.
If you blank the pattern, it matches all text.
There is an option "matches all". If you checked this option, then you must supply full pattern to match whole text message. Otherwise, you just supply the pattern to match a part of text message.

* Action
There are two actions currently.
Block Action: blocks text messages and remove it from your Inbox and place it to Junk box which is managed by PurifyText. You can restore later in Junk box or Delete completely.
GMail Send Action: send the filtered message to your gmail address.


Whenever you get text messages, the filter triggers off filtering and if matches the patters of filters, it is fired the action specified in filter.
Otherwise, you can manually fire the filtering by pressing the button "Filter Inbox".